This research summary presents key findings from a research project examining how specific aspects of quality relate to learning and development outcomes for children in Australia.

In 2023, the Australian Education Research Organisation (麻豆社) and researchers from the Queensland Brain Institute at The University of Queensland partnered to examine how specific aspects of quality relate to learning and development outcomes for children in Australia. This study contributes the first empirical evidence linking quality ratings of Australian early childhood education and care (ECEC) services (using the National Quality Standard) with child development. It confirms the value of investing in improving the quality of ECEC for all Australian children, as well as in our national system for assessing and rating the quality of ECEC services. 

This research summary presents key findings from the project. Our technical report provides more detailed information about these findings and the methods used for this research.

Keywords: educational data, education research, actionable insights, child development, learning outcomes